Monday, February 27, 2012

Bob Villa Step Aside

In anticipation of my soon life up north, we are preparing our home to sell. We are doing so home renovations and upgrades and we have been so busy. Recently we started refinishing the floors in what used to be Jordyns room. We are now almost done. We need to repaint the floor boards and paint the bottoms of the walls and then hang up the new ceiling fan, blinds and new door and closet door. But the major work is done. I painted the walls a warm grey and we ripped up the carpet, sanded the hardwood floors and voila...

Aren't I crafty?! I think so! Me and the other half are an amazing team and enjoy this type of stuff or maybe it's the paint fumes that are rotting our brains! Stay tuned for more posts from This Old House!!

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So I wait...

I was in Santa Fe this past Thursday for another interview at a place that I would really like to work. I am waiting to hear back and  I still have my fingers crossed. This job would be perfect. Everyone that I have met so far from this place seems to really love their job and surrounds so I am praying hard for this. Hopefully I hear something soon, the anxiety is killing me.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Chin Up

I just got word that I didn't get the job that I was really hoping for. I would be lying if I said I wasn't bummed. So the search continues. Things happen for a reason and I did tell the lady at HR that I would definetly be interested in other positions as they come available and to keep me in mind. She did say I interviewed really well and they were impressed so that makes me feel somewhat better. So..... Chin up buttercup!

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Vow

Just saw The Vow with a big group of great peeps and had a blast! Thanks, Lola and I had fun. Seeing this movie reminded me of the vows that I took in September when I married my best friend.
"I fell in love with you within moments, moments that will last my lifetime. I admire you for your ambition and focus to be a great man for me and the girls. I respect you for your strength and fortitude. I am so proud of who you are and who you make me strive to become and for the first time, I feel as I'm the lucky one. I promise to always be your biggest fan, to kill all the spiders and never ever hide onions in your food! I love you times infinity!"

Finding that once in a lifetime love is priceless, cherish it with every breath in your being, hold it close and never look back.
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Friday, February 10, 2012

All Prettied Up

It was the winter ball at Allorahs school tonight and she got all fancified. I can't believe she is this grown up already. Where has the time gone? I miss the diaper changes and midnight feelings!

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Fingers Crossed

Yesterday I went to Santa Fe for a job interview. I don't want to say too much, as I don't want to jinx myself, but I am hoping this is the one. It's what I have done before and the ladies seem wonderful, the position seems perfect and the environment seems amazing. I should know by probably Monday so I am hoping for good news.

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Doctor Update

I got a call this week from Allorahs doctor and got some results of some labs. It seems all looks great and she is stable so we have the ok to start decreasing and weaning her off the horrible Prednisone. I am so ecstatic! She does want us to recheck her fasting labs as her cholesterol and A1C is still high but when we had labs drawn in Chicago she had ate breakfast and that may have increased her numbers so she will have those drawn on Monday when she goes in for her infusion. We are still waiting to hear about her X-ray results. Hopefully no calcinosis and no surgery. Yesterday she had some low blood sugar and my dad had to take her a fruit roll up. Her blood sugar was 53. She was running late and didn't eat any breakfast and she crashed. So lesson learned she informed me this morning. :) We got approval from her insurance for her very expensive IVIG infusions and she is set to go for the year. Every year we have to perform this song and dance to get prior approval and it's so stressful so we are good to go. Thank you Meghan at Dr. Pachmans office for getting this done. We greatly appreciate all your hard work!

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