Thursday, December 12, 2013

My Family

Having a new little one in the house has been such a joy. I forgot how much work it is to have a newborn but I have the best helpers and the most amazing support from Nathan and Allorah and Jordyn when we have the opportunity to see her. Hudson is getting so big and is now 5 weeks old. He had his check up yesterday and weighs 11 lbs 7 oz and is in the 75th percentile for weight so he is eating pretty healthy. 
Allorah is doing fantastic in school and has a great group of friends that she has associated herself with. Her grades are great and she is enjoying her trimester. I'm so happy that she has finally grown into her "own" and is doing well. She is also such a big help with Hudson. She absolutely loves her little brother and is so loving with him. 
Jo has been doing wonderful in Albuquerque. She took her state boards on Monday and just got her first salon job. She is ecstatic and we pray that she grows an amazing clientele and is able to continue to a bigger and better salon. Nathan and I have no doubts that she won't accomplish that. 
It's almost time for me to go back to work and I am going to miss the little guy immensely. I wish I could take off longer but I didn't have enough time. It's going to be hard to not see him all day. 
Just a few recent pics of my family. I am so blessed to have them and they are such a joy to my life. 

Friday, November 8, 2013


Hudson Andrew Barton. Born 8:01 AM on Tuesday, November 5th. Weighing in at a healthy 8 lbs 13.2 ounces and 20 inches long. He is an absolute angel and such a mellow baby. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Almost Time

The crib is up, the room is ready and our bags are packed! But are we ready?! I can't help but feel anxious and excited and terrified all rolled up in one. We report to the hospital on Tuesday morning at 5:45 and should be having the cesarean start at 7:30. The girls will be there, my parents and my in-laws will all be there to greet this big boy. I am praying for an uneventful surgery and quick recovery and overall blessed experience and I know Nathan is too. Stay tuned for pics and announcements and please keep us in your prayers.

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Hudson Watch

So we had our perinatal appointment this week and it seems Mr. Hudson Andrew is a mighty huge baby boy. His estimated weight on Tuesday was 8 lbs. 5 oz!! He is considered "macrosomic". So being that he is that big already and is barely 37 weeks gestation, we were given the option of an elective c-section. Jordyn was an 8 lb baby and I had so many problems trying to deliver her. 
After much discussion with my amazing physician and the perinatologist and my doctor calling and gathering info for us, Nathan and I have opted for a cesarean. I meet with the OB-GYN who has agreed to see me on 10/31 for a consult and he has scheduled my c-section for 0730 on 11/5. That is unless I don't go into labor before then, which would be ideal. If I do go into labor soon I will attempt a natural approach but that may change if no progression is made. Nathan and I did so much work and preparation to fully enjoy and understand a true natural childbirth that I feel kind of robbed especially for him. He was so excited and and anxious for a natural delivery. So maybe, the natural route will work but the longer this boy cooks in my belly the bigger he is becoming. Yikes!!! Maybe we have a future Broncos or Reds player on our hands. 

Sick Lola

Please say a prayer for Allorah to fight this infection she has had for a few days. It started out with what seemed like a simple headache and then developed in to a migraine. Then she woke up yesterday with a bad fever and chills. By the afternoon she was burning up and her migraine was worse. Her back and neck hurt so bad and she could barely move. Nathan brought her to the doctor and they did blood work and a urine test on her. She looked horrible. Nathan then took her to Sprouts and got her some homeopathic goodies and food. He fed her and she fell back asleep only to wake up at about 7:30 with the pukes and a bad stomach and  a 102.1 fever. I gave her some more meds and put her in the bath. She got out and passed out. Nathan set his alarm to wake up and give her ibuprofen and Tylenol. By this morning her fever had broke but she still had a bad headache and threw up again. She went back to the doctor and he went over her blood work which was ok but did show a small infection somewhere. She started feeling better but is still not 100%. Poor thing just gets so sick. Here's hoping the weekend will give her time to kick whatever cooties have invaded her body!

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Quite some time has passed since my last post and we have been feverishly getting ready for the arrival of our sweet baby boy. The girls are so excited and everyday they ask "anything yet?" Nathan is so anxious and ready to meet Hudson and it's so sweet to see how involved and overjoyed he is. I could get used to the foot and back massages. :) Never thought I would say that. 
We have had some great baby showers given by family and friends and we have been truly blessed by the amount of generosity and love that has been given to us. Thank you to everyone who has celebrated the arrival of our soon to be little man. Here are some pics of a few of our baby showers. 
Baby shower given by my office staff:
Baby shower given by my mother in law with the help of my mom:
Diaper party given by the men of District 7 NMSP at Rio Chama:

Thank you all for the amazing gifts. We are blessed to have each of you in our lives. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bedding Joy

I just received Hudson's bedding and I can't be more thrilled. Nathan and I are very happy with the end results. We have found a few decorative items for the walls that look amazing and we can't wait to put it all together. Thank you Colleen with New Beginnings! 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Hudson Watch

We got to see our sweet son this week and he is doing amazing and getting so big. 
Look at that beautiful face and big fat cheeks and perfect lips! He even has a cleft on his chin like his handsome daddy. I'm so excited to see Nathan hold his son. At this weeks childbirth class, we learned swaddling techniques and Nathan passed with flying colors and even taught the class a different technique he read about. 
Worlds best daddy right there!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sad Wife

My life partner, soul mate and best friend hit the skies for a quick trip to sin city for a convention. I'm missing my other half but hoping he is having an amazing time with his friends and some our dear friends. Give Leonard and Derrick a big hug from Lola and I and tell them we wish we could have been there but this baby boy can't be too far from home. Send our love to everyone and tell Damian and Jeanette, thank you for the gift for Hudson! 

Summer Cold

Tis the season for summertime sickness for Allorah. Poor thing has been so sick with a bad upper respiratory infection that has just got worse. She has been out of school since Tuesday and already on 2 different antibiotics. Today she had a chest x-ray to make sure it wasn't a bad pneumonia like before. 
This warms my heart when she says things like this! Nathan truly spoils her when she isn't feeling well. Tonight she just laid on me and did this...
Put her hand on my belly and fell asleep. I hope she starts feeling better soon! I hate when the girls are sick. 

Summertime in Chicago

Last week was Allorahs Chicago appointment with Dr. Pachman. As usual we had a good time even though my amazing husband couldn't join us. We were able to take a flight out of Santa Fe and needless to say, it was the most scariest event in my life!! 
Mini plane to Denver was the most horrible experience in my life... scratch that, my first marriage was the most horrible, this was the second most terrifying! But, we made it in one piece and her appointment went well.
 A few minor set backs as she has lost some core strength so she will be starting PT again. She had her usual borage of labs done.
 And another bone density scan done. I should be hearing about those results this week. So my fingers are crossed for good results and I can only pray that her little body is recovering! 
Dinner at Volare on the outdoor patio was spectacular as always!