Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Family Update

So much is going on these days. School is about to start and its a mad dash of finding the perfect school for Allorah up here in Santa Fe. It's so frustrating as well. We are crossing our fingers for a great outcome. Needless to say she isn't too thrilled but we try to keep her optimistic.
Jordyn is fixing to graduate next week. She is so excited but scared at the same time, as this is real life and time to grow up and fly on your own. She will do well, she is a natural at this!

Jordyns birthday dinner last weekend.

Allorah being a clown that same evening!
Nathan is doing amazing and still loving his job up north. He has an amazing group of guys that work for him and he is hoping to promote again. Please say a prayer for his continued success.
I am staying busy with my job and loving the challenges that I face head on and learning as I grow. I have the greatest staff and my providers are awesome. I can honestly say I love my job. I also love my weekends when I can spend time with my family, kids and this handsome guy...

With Hudson on the way, we have to get in as much "us" time as we can get. Once the little sweetness comes along, it will be so long date night and hello insomnia.
We had our monthly perinatalology appointment today and got to see our bean.

He already looks like his daddy!

The doctor is concerned about his kidneys. He has bilateral pyelectasis, enlarged kidneys. The doctor told us it very well may clear itself up, as little boys can be lazy and not empty their kidneys well at first, so they referred us to a pediatric nephrologist in Albuquerque and we will see him in September when I am about 33 weeks. We are nervous, but have faith that all will be ok. Pease say a little prayer for our little man. I will keep all posted on this. Hudson's nursery is coming along and we are enjoying picking out his stuff. I cannot wait to see his custom bedding come in and will post pics as soon as I get it.
We are headed to Lubbock this weekend to see my dear friend, Nikki. Road trip on the horizon and pics to follow.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Defender of the Belly

My sweet little LuLu knew I was pregnant even before we did, but ever since this is what she does as soon as I sit down on the couch. She comes right over and lays her head on Hudson. Last night he kicked her hard enough to startle her. I guess LuLu was cramping his style!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Hudson Andrew

We got to see our sweet Hudson Andrew on the June 26th and I forgot to post his pic. What a cutie, once again sucking his thumb. He is a big boy again measuring at the 76th percentile. Yikes! I shudder to think of a natural childbirth.