Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sad Wife

My life partner, soul mate and best friend hit the skies for a quick trip to sin city for a convention. I'm missing my other half but hoping he is having an amazing time with his friends and some our dear friends. Give Leonard and Derrick a big hug from Lola and I and tell them we wish we could have been there but this baby boy can't be too far from home. Send our love to everyone and tell Damian and Jeanette, thank you for the gift for Hudson! 

Summer Cold

Tis the season for summertime sickness for Allorah. Poor thing has been so sick with a bad upper respiratory infection that has just got worse. She has been out of school since Tuesday and already on 2 different antibiotics. Today she had a chest x-ray to make sure it wasn't a bad pneumonia like before. 
This warms my heart when she says things like this! Nathan truly spoils her when she isn't feeling well. Tonight she just laid on me and did this...
Put her hand on my belly and fell asleep. I hope she starts feeling better soon! I hate when the girls are sick. 

Summertime in Chicago

Last week was Allorahs Chicago appointment with Dr. Pachman. As usual we had a good time even though my amazing husband couldn't join us. We were able to take a flight out of Santa Fe and needless to say, it was the most scariest event in my life!! 
Mini plane to Denver was the most horrible experience in my life... scratch that, my first marriage was the most horrible, this was the second most terrifying! But, we made it in one piece and her appointment went well.
 A few minor set backs as she has lost some core strength so she will be starting PT again. She had her usual borage of labs done.
 And another bone density scan done. I should be hearing about those results this week. So my fingers are crossed for good results and I can only pray that her little body is recovering! 
Dinner at Volare on the outdoor patio was spectacular as always! 

Calmness Will Prevail

So it was a scary night on Tuesday. I was having contractions and was sent to the hospital by my doctor to be monitored at labor and delivery. My contractions were getting regular so they gave me a shot of terbutaline to stop them. The next day I went to see my perinatologists and he mentioned that I should probably be on bed rest. Mmmmmmm, no. I can't do that. I have a household to run and an office too. I don't have time for this so I promised him that I would keep stress to a minimum and take it easier. So now it's weekly monitoring and weekly ultrasounds. At least we will get to see our sweet baby boy each week. 
Check out that beautiful face pushed up against my placenta! He already looks handsome like his daddy! He even has a cleft in his chin like him! This boy is already chubby! Allorah and Jordyn are so excited and its so sweet to see them this anxious along with Nathan. We just need him to stay put for a few short weeks more!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Lola's Project

Allorah has been an amazing big sister already. She started making burp clothes for Hudson and hand sewed this for his arrival. She did such a good job that we are going to get her a seeing machine so she can get more projects going. She had such a great time and we are so proud of her. 

Hudson Watch

We had our last perinatologist appointment last week and baby Hudson is doing amazing! He is growing like a weed and already at the 75th percentile for growth. He is definetly going to be a big boy I was told. I would be lying if I didn't admit that scares me. 
This is our little guy once again sucking his thumb. Hopefully this soothes our little guy once he is on the outside. LOL
Lola has become a really good helper and has been making burp clothes for Hudson and she has done an amazing job so far. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Graduation Day for Jordyn

Last Tuesday Jordyn graduation Toni & Guy hair and make-up school! We are beyond thrilled that she completed this phase of her life. She gave a beautiful and heartwarming speech that had everyone in the room in tears. We are so proud of this accomplishment for her
and excited to see where this takes her. She has her sights set high and is motivated to get her career going full speed. We love you Jo and keep reaching for the sky, you got this!! 
Mom, Nathan, Lola and Hudson!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

New School New School Year

Allorah started school last week. It was a mad dash but I am so proud to say that she was accepted as a Freshman at St. Michaels High School, a private catholic school here in Santa Fe that has about 153 years of legacy and tradition. Nathan and I attended the new parent orientation last week and we are so impressed with what we heard and saw and the interaction of the staff. I think this will be a positive experience for Allorah. We will need to possibly sell a body part on the black market to cover tuition but it will be worth it. :) Lets go Horsemen!