So it was a scary night on Tuesday. I was having contractions and was sent to the hospital by my doctor to be monitored at labor and delivery. My contractions were getting regular so they gave me a shot of terbutaline to stop them. The next day I went to see my perinatologists and he mentioned that I should probably be on bed rest. Mmmmmmm, no. I can't do that. I have a household to run and an office too. I don't have time for this so I promised him that I would keep stress to a minimum and take it easier. So now it's weekly monitoring and weekly ultrasounds. At least we will get to see our sweet baby boy each week.
Check out that beautiful face pushed up against my placenta! He already looks handsome like his daddy! He even has a cleft in his chin like him! This boy is already chubby! Allorah and Jordyn are so excited and its so sweet to see them this anxious along with Nathan. We just need him to stay put for a few short weeks more!
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