Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Beginnings

This week has been a whirlwind so far. A new town, new job, new surroundings and life finally with my husband. It has also been a difficult time for me, days without my kids and without my parents and without my friends. Thats what's hard and that's what I miss. I do love it up here, even with the freaky weather we had the last few days, from sunny to white out snow to hail and back to sun. Change is hard for me and like Nathan tells me "it's what you make of it". I know once Allorah gets up here and we have a permanent house it will be better and more like "home". Thank God my husband is so patient and understanding of what I'm going thru.
As far as my new job, it's going great. I'm still in orientation until tomorrow and then I will be turned loose to my supervisor to train and learn until my office opens on May 15th. I have so much to learn as far as all the programs I will need to utilize to run the office but I look forward to the challenge and opportunity to get this clinic off the ground. The support system that I have is amazing there.
If you are family and close friends, you know that Nathan just had an emergent surgery on Monday at the hospital in Santa Fe and thankfully he is doing well. He will be off of work for about 2 weeks to recuperate. I had to take the packing out for him last night and it was so painful for him and painful for me to have to cause him that much discomfort but he just grit his teeth and did it. Thank you to all who have checked on him and sent well wishes. It's been a rough start of the year for him but thankfully I was here to take care of him. A special thanks to his Lt. Eric and his lovely wife, LeaAnn, for being there at the hospital with him and for Orlando, who took him to his appointment with the surgeon on Monday morning. Thanks guys!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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